*All entering siblings require an individual application and will be placed together as a surname in the case of a lottery. If the surname is selected, all siblings shall be admitted
to the extent that space is available.
(Will not affect equal opportunity at lottery but may allow priority per G.S. 115C-218.45 (f))
(Will not affect equal opportunity at lottery but may allow priority per G.S. 115C-218.45 (f))
2. Does this applicant have a sibling who is currently enrolled in Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington that lives in the same household
(includes half siblings, step-siblings, children residing in family foster home):
If yes, current student's name and grade:
9. How did you hear about Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington?
8. Why did you choose Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington for your child's education?
7. Does this applicant have sibling(s) that lives in the same household who are also applying to attend Classical Charter Schools of
Wilmington for the 2025-2026 school year?
6. Is this applicant currently enrolled in another charter school in NC not within the Classical Charter Schools of America network?
5. Has the applicant previously attended Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington?
If yes, what was the date of withdrawal and reason for leaving?
4. Is this applicant currently enrolled in another school within the Classical Charter Schools of America Network?
If yes, which school?
3. Does this applicant have a sibling who completed the highest grade level offered from Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington and
attended for at least four grade levels? (includes half siblings, step-siblings, children residing in family foster home)
If yes, alumni student's name and date of birth:
1. Is this Applicant the child or grandchild of a Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington staff member or CCS-America board member?
If yes, staff/board member's name:
(If Different than Physical Address)
* Note: Upon clicking "Submit Student Application," a confirmation email will be sent to the address provided. Please review for correct information.
I am the legal Guardian of the above student applicant and verify that all information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
(Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025)
(Proof of last grade level completed will be required)