Race of Champions
Classical Charter Schools of Southport held the 10th Annual FASTAR® Race of Champions on Wednesday, April 24th. Competitors from each CCS-America campus showcased incredible skill, speed, and accuracy.
Following four quick races, each with four “laps” of reading and math, CCS-Southport emerged victorious by a mere 2 seconds. Congratulations to all of the champion racers, with a special acknowledgement to CCS-Southport’s pit crew and racers for securing their second consecutive victory.
If your student is interested in participating in this thrilling academic race, make sure to sign them up for FASTAR® in the 2024-2025 school year!

The 8th Annual History Bowl
The Roger Bacon Academy hosted its 8th annual History Bowl last Friday, April 26th at Classical Charter Schools of Leland. Throughout the year, students have been studying up to 400 questions that may be asked during the competition. These questions align with The Roger Bacon Academy’s chronological history curriculum. The students showcased an impressive display of historical knowledge, sportsmanship, and competitive spirit.
This year marked a significant achievement as all four schools won a grade level! The competition was close, with the final round of the 8th grade competition even going into double sudden-death overtime. Congratulations to the following grades and campuses for bringing home trophies. All students should take pride in their hard work and performance.
6th grade: CCS-Leland
7th grade: CCS-Whiteville
8th grade: CCS-Southport
We would also like to recognize 8th graders Gabriel Hughes and Josie Baroski of CCS-Southport, Walter Davis of CCS-Leland, and Macy Young of CCS-Whiteville for competing in the History Bowl since 5th grade.

Students of the Month
CCS-America students are recognized monthly for displaying a specific character trait from our School Pledge that they not only say but also practice in their daily lives.
April’s character trait was Respect. Students who show respect treat others with honor and dignity. Respect is seen in the School Pledge as “I pledge to be obedient and loyal to those in authority.” CCS-America students apply these words to their everyday lives by treating adults with courtesy, using good manners, and treating their peers the way they want to be treated.
Congratulations to all of these students who demonstrated exemplary respect. Check them out on the links below!

Did You Know? A Cautionary Tale.
- Starting in kindergarten, consistent absence, whether excused or unexcused, can lead to children falling behind in school.
- Missing 10 percent of school days, that’s just two days a month, increases the chance that your student will not achieve the same level of reading and math proficiency as their peers.
- Even missing a day or two every few weeks can hinder a student’s academic progress.
When a student accumulates 10 or more unexcused absences, the parent/guardian may be in violation of North Carolina’s Compulsory Attendance Law and could face prosecution if the absences cannot be justified under the established attendance policies. Recently, a parent at CCS-America received a jail sentence due to their child’s attendance record. Monitoring attendance closely, with letters sent home after 3, 6, and 10 unexcused days, aims to prevent families from being referred to the district attorney’s office and facing criminal court appearances. This offense is classified as a Class I Misdemeanor and could potentially result in up to 120 days of incarceration of the parent/guardian.
We miss your students when they are not in school, and we value their contributions to our community. We would like your help in ensuring that your student attends school regularly and achieves success academically. If your student is going to be absent, please contact the child’s teacher and send in a written note from you, the doctor, etc., excusing the absence.