CCS-Leland Presents Finding Nemo, Jr.!
The Classical Charter Schools of Leland Show Choir presented its first performance in the school’s new auditorium on March 1st and 2nd – “Finding Nemo, Jr.”!
Based on the beloved 2003 movie Finding Nemo, the Show Choir captivated the audience with a journey through the ocean, highlighting the values of family, friendship, courage, and determination. These values are also emphasized in the Character Education curriculum at CCS-America.
Congratulations to CCS-Leland Show Choir members and their Director, Mrs. Rexroad, for their outstanding performances!

Elective Highlight: Science Olympiad
Classical Charter Schools of America offers a variety of electives for middle school students, providing opportunities to learn new skills, collaborate with peers, and even engage in competitions. One such elective is Science Olympiad, where students participate in events requiring scientific knowledge, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Tower Building, Rocks and Minerals, and Forensics.
Throughout the year, students prepare for these events and then showcase their skills at the Wilmington Regional Tournament hosted at UNCW. This weekend, CCS-Leland, CCS-Southport, and CCS-Whiteville will be participating. Best of luck to all competitors!
If your student is interested in competing next year, elective registration will open this spring.
Learn more about Science Olympiad here

Students of the Month
CCS-America students are recognized monthly for displaying a specific character trait from our School Pledge that they not only say but also practice in their daily lives.
February’s character trait was Dependability. Dependable students do what they say they will do, even if it is difficult. Dependability is seen in the School Pledge as “I Pledge to be truthful in all my works.” Students apply these words to their everyday lives by being responsible decision-makers others can rely on.
Congratulations to all of these students who demonstrated exemplary dependability. Check them out on the links below!