Welcome to Quarter 3!

Classically Educated: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Did you know Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received a classical education? Throughout his life, Dr. King embodied the principles and applied the core aspects of a classical education to his writings and speeches.
Before Dr. King’s vital role in the Civil Rights Movement, he studied the nonviolent ways of Mahatma Gandhi, India’s celebrated human rights leader. The study of others’ works, reading, and the use of classical rhetoric are just a few examples of Dr. King’s classical education. Read Dr. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” below, and take note of his use of themes from the ancient classical world. Each day, we honor the memory and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by seeking knowledge and being virtuous.

Students of the Month
CCS-America students are recognized monthly for displaying a specific character trait from our School Pledge that they not only are saying, but also practicing in their daily lives.
December’s character trait was Generosity. Students who show generosity are careful with what they have so they can share with others. Generosity is seen in the School Pledge as “I pledge to be virtuous in all my deeds.” Virtuous students apply these words to their everyday lives and do good for others without seeking anything in return.
Congratulations to all students who demonstrated exemplary generosity. Check them out on the links below!